Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Prayer To Dawn (EOS)

First of all DO WHAT THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW and this is nothing but a creative expression of mine which I believe have received from the divine mother whose blessings I carry... so if you think it's bullshit, it is and if you think it's beautiful and worth doing every dawn, DO AS THOU FUCKIN WILT :

(It is very important for this to be done at the time of dawn)

(Chant your personal chant, prepare the settings as you like)

"In the name of the divine dawn(EOS)
Whose intoxicating relief of the first light inspires indigo dreams of awe and beauty
With the death of darkness, I shall arose to your heights with a killing thirst in the desert of here and now for your truth which I have sought all along the journey of my life

I offer you the flower (Preferably Morning Glories then Prostrate to the east and put the flower on the altar while your forehead is still touching the ground) these words and my love 

Breath thy spirit into me 
Breath thy spirit into me
Breath thy spirit into me

And I shall be yours

Surrendered to your will I am but a feather guided by the rising sun 
Surrendered to your will I am but a feather guided by the rising sun
Surrendered to your will I am but a feather guided by the rising sun 

In the name of the dawn, may the two become one
In the name of the dawn, may the two become one
In the name of the dawn, may the two become one 
(Repeat as many times as you like)

Let me see the unseen, hear the unheard and touch the untouched

In the name of the divine dawn(EOS)
May all attain peace within
And be the rising sun

(Chant your personal chant)

Oh, Divine Dawn (EOS) whose tail of light I follow

I salute thee"

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