Tuesday, July 03, 2012

On Super Hedonism (Part 1)

The whole Guatama style recipe for peace of mind, bliss or happiness is to eliminate all desires :

According to them to eliminate all desires one must desire to have no desires

(Obviously Mr Guatama was either gay or a drug abuser!)

Since we overuse our linguistic centers in the second millennia we call happiness many things; Yet it's only on the surface, deep inside we all crave for reaching a state of non-craving or to get rid of the dysphoria (psychological and physiological) for our true nature (higher self, god consciousness, super omniversal collective consciousness! :) ) to come to surface 

We call this ultimate happiness many things : Unio Mystica, Becoming one with god, Dying before Death, Bliss, Enlightenment, Hagh, Constant Orgasm, Taking The The Holy Acid, Simple Happiness…. or even Buying that house/car/computer…etc you always wanted.

YES, even desiring material things springs out of our natural tendency to avoid dysphoria and be euphoric 

And no desire is not the equivalent of suffering, on the contrary of what buddha actually said I believe desire is a consequence of suffering.

In more mathematical terms :

Desire ≠ Dysphoria

Dysphoria (wether psychological or physiological) causes Desiring (the object or subject doesn't really matter).

Dysphoria can come in many forms and in different quantities (forgive my weak english grammar + perfectionist style of writing).

So does reaching a state of non-craving cure all the dysphoria we go through?

Sorry, the answer is no. but if you ever taken ecstasy (MDMA) … reaching that state is like ecstasy thousandfold…!!! (Yes, I had a glimpse for whatever reason I'm not aware of)

Now if you have a disorder that causes a shitload of pain and suffering, reaching that state relieves 99% of it… that is exactly why when going through horrible diseases, most of the truly enlightened people on the planet don't/didn't experience much dysphoria and passed away in peace. (George Gurdjieff, Osho, Meher baba and so on) Who knows which one really attained such state but some really show symptoms of extreme euphoria… take a look at Osho's eyes for example : 

(Probably talking about the many uses of the word fuck or some other nonsense humor which for no particular reason makes everyone laugh so hard they bleed from their rectums)

Just look at the happy fucker... god I wish I was there when he was alive :

So this is basically my value system and my ultimate goal and I reached this philosophy on my own experience and not the books that I read or the youtube videos of Eckhart Tolle rambling about non-thinking because as you can see I even disagree with the basic philosophy and techniques of the so called enlightened masters for the man of the second millennia :

(Don't get me wrong, I spent hours watching OSHO talking about random shit with blazing eyes [sometimes even high as fuck] but all he rambles about is meditation and I get there on the next post)

You can call it whatever you like but I like to call it SUPER HEDONISM and the goal BLISS.

How I think it can be achieved? Have I achieved it (obviously by my previous posts you can say I'm god itself reincarnated in human form) ? 

You will know by reading the next post ... 

To be continued… 

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