Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Dare to The Wanderers of Deep Waters

"Neptune defies Uranus as Uranus defies Saturn. Yet if you contemplate the forces of diversity, wether through heavenly bodies (astrology), Numerology, Mythology or even Psychology, you will see that they work in harmony. How can that be? One defying the other yet working toward the same goal?
These two heavenly bodies share a trait and that's rebellion and ultimately freedom. The difference is Uranus (The Rebellious Brother) rebells toward authorities, ideas and points of view. Yet Neptune (The Esoteric Sister) strangely rebells against herself. And through the path of the mystic comes unio mystica.
To you the child of Neptune, wanderer of deep waters, the real question is : Do you have the guts to dance through the mist, walking through your demons and step into clarity? Do you have the guts to be vulnerable enough to achieve union with your authentic self? Do you have the guts for the mystical union?
The dissolution of inertia and the absolution of unity."

-Emanuel Nobody

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